"Studium discendi voluntate quae cogi non potest constat" - Marcus Fabius Quintilianus

SchoolCenter is gone. The Administration would like to make each teacher's home page their lesson plan repository page to make parent communication and teacher observations easier. We can make our lives a little easier and improve the aesthetics at the same time.

This is a two step process:

1. Make a
Weebly website. (Get started here: Click Here!) You can either set up a free one on the regular website or an education version, which is still free, but has a few more perks. You will have to promise it's for education however or face a ban on your future site building activity.
2. Ice cream. (optional)
Step 1: Make a Weebly website. (Directions: Click Here!) You can either set up a free one on the regular website or an education version, which is still free, but has a few more perks. You will have to promise it's for education however or face a ban on your future site building activity. (Decent video here: http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2013/08/how-to-create-website-with-weebly.html#.Uhw3yryE6t4. If you're watching this at school, make sure you've logged in to the computer you're working on.)

Step 2: Go for Ice Cream. It's not in this presentation's budget, so . . . you're on your own. If you're going, I'd recommend Country Diary in New Era, MI.
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